OBJ and LIB files` data structures(OBJ.rfi):
Class: Executable and Object, Status: Almost Complete, Last change: 08.03.2008 14:49:46


TObjRecKind enum byte (
  okTHEADR = 0x80,
  okLHEADR = 0x82,
  okCOMENT = 0x88,
  okMODEND = 0x8A,
  okMODEND1= 0x8B,
  okEXTDEF = 0x8C,
  okTYPDEF = 0x8E,
  okPUBDEF = 0x90,
  okPUBDEF1= 0x91,
  okLINNUM = 0x94,
  okLINNUM1= 0x95,
  okLNAMES = 0x96,
  okSEGDEF = 0x98,
  okSEGDEF1= 0x99,
  okGRPDEF = 0x9A,
  okFIXUPP = 0x9C,
  okFIXUPP1= 0x9D,
  okLEDATA = 0xA0,
  okLEDATA1= 0xA1,
  okLIDATA = 0xA2,
  okLIDATA1= 0xA3,
  okCOMDEF = 0xB0,
  okBAKPAT= 0xB2,
  okBAKPAT1= 0xB3,
  okLEXTDEF= 0xB4,
  okLEXTDEF1= 0xB5,
  okLPUBDEF= 0xB6,
  okLPUBDEF1= 0xB7,
  okLCOMDEF= 0xB8,
  okCEXTDEF= 0xBC,
  okCOMDAT = 0xC2,
  okCOMDAT1= 0xC3,
  okLINSYM = 0xC4,
  okLINSYM1= 0xC5,
  okALIAS  = 0xC6,
  okNBKPAT = 0xC8,
  okNBKPAT1= 0xC9,
  okLLNAMES= 0xCA,
  okLIBHDR = 0xF0,
  okLIBEnd = 0xF1
%88H IMPDEF--Import Definition Record (Comment Class A0, Subtype 01)  2
%88H EXPDEF--Export Definition Record (Comment Class A0, Subtype 02)  2
%88H INCDEF--Incremental Compilation Record (Cmnt Class A0, Sub 03)   2
%88H LNKDIR--C++ Directives Record (Comment Class A0, Subtype 05)     2
%88H LIBMOD--Library Module Name Record (Comment Class A3)            2
%88H EXESTR--Executable String Record (Comment Class A4)              2
%88H INCERR--Incremental Compilation Error (Comment Class A6)         2
%88H NOPAD--No Segment Padding (Comment Class A7)                     2
%88H WKEXT--Weak Extern Record (Comment Class A8)                     2
%88H LZEXT--Lazy Extern Record (Comment Class A9)                     3
%88H PharLap Format Record (Comment Class AA)                         3

TXData raw[]

TCommentClass enum byte (
  ccTranslator = 0x00,
  ccIntelCopyRight = 0x01,
  ccOldLibSpec = 0x81, % ignored, replaced by 9F
  ccOldMsDosVer = 0x9C, % ignored
  ccMemModel = 0x9D, % ignored
  ccDOSSEG = 0x9E,
  ccDeftLibSearchName = 0x9F,
  ccOMFExt = 0xA0,
  ccNewOMFExt = 0xA1, %almost not used
  ccLinkPass = 0xA2,
  ccLIBMOD = 0xA3,
  ccEXESTR = 0xA4,
  ccINCERR = 0xA6,
  ccNOPAD = 0xA7,
  ccWKEXT = 0xA8,
  ccLZEXT = 0xA9,
  ccPharLapFmt = 0xAA, %may be obsolete
  ccInitIbmFmt = 0xB0, %obsolete
  ccRecOrder = 0xB1, %obsolete
  ccComment = 0xDA,
  ccCompiler = 0xDB, %pragma, ver N
  ccDate = 0xDC,
  ccTimestamp = 0xDD,
  ccUser = 0xDF, % may be copyright
  ccDependency = 0xE9, % Borland, include file ref
  ccCmdLine = 0xFF % obsolete

TCharComment array of Char

TIndex struc
  Byte B
  case @.B and 0x80 of
    0x80: Byte
  endc B0
ends:displ=('#', INT(((@.B0.0x80)or((@.B and 0x7F)shl 8))exc @.B))

TOfs word % ulong for 32-bit mode (if bit 0 of TObjRecKind is set)

TIndices array of TIndex

TOMFExtSubCl enum byte (

TOMFImpRec struc
  Byte IsOrd
  str InternalName
  str ModuleName
  case @.IsOrd of
   0: str
  else word
  endc Id

TOMFExpRec struc
  Byte Flags
  str ExportName
  str InternalName
  case @.Flags and 0x80 of
   0: word
  endc Id

TOMFIncRec struc
  int dExtDef
  int dLinNum
  TXData Padding

TOMFLnkDirRec struc
  Byte Flags
  Byte PseudoCodeVer
  Byte CodeViewVer

TOMFRec struc
  TOMFExtSubCl SubCl
  case @.SubCl of
   omfIMPDEF: TOMFImpRec
   omfEXPDEF: TOMFExpRec
   omfINCDEF: TOMFIncRec
   omfLNKDIR: TOMFLnkDirRec
  else TXData
  endc Dat

TNameAssoc struc
  TIndex hName
  TIndex hAssoc

TNameAssocs array of TNameAssoc

TNameNdxRec struc
  str Name
  TIndex NDX

TNameNdxRecs array of TNameNdxRec

TCommentRec struc
  Byte Flags
  TCommentClass hCl
  case @.hCl of
   ccOMFExt: TOMFRec
   ccLIBMOD: str
   ccINCERR: TCharComment
   ccNOPAD: TIndices
   ccWKEXT,ccLZEXT: TNameAssocs
  else TCharComment
  endc Txt
%  array[@:Size-2] of Char Txt

TPubDefNameRec struc
  str Name
  TOfs Ofs
  TIndex hType

TPubDefNames array of TPubDefNameRec

TPubDefRec struc
  TIndex hBaseGr
  TIndex hBaseSeg
  case @.hBaseSeg.B of
   0: word
  endc BaseFrame
  TPubDefNames Names

TComDefDataType enum byte (
  cdFar = 0x61, cdNear = 0x62

TComDefLen struc
  Byte B
  case @.B of
   0x81: word
   0x84: ulong
  endc V

TComDefRec struc
  str Name
  TIndex hType
  TComDefDataType DT
  case @.DT of
   cdFar: TComDefLen
  endc Cnt
  TComDefLen ElSz

TLineNum struc
  int N
  TOfs Ofs

TLineNums array of TLineNum

TLinNumRec struc
  TIndex hBaseGr
  TIndex hBaseSeg
  TLineNums Lines

TNames array of str

TAbsSegFrameInf struc
  word Frame
  byte ofs

type bit

TBit num+(1)

TBit2 num+(2)

TBit3 num+(3)

TBit4 num+(4)

TSegAlign enum TBit3 (
  saAbs =  0, //Absolute segment.
  saAl1 =  1, //Relocatable, byte aligned.
  saAl2 =  2, //Relocatable, word (2-byte, 16-bit) aligned.
  saAl16 = 3, //Relocatable, paragraph (16-byte) aligned.
  saAl256= 4, //Relocatable, aligned on 256-byte boundary (a "page"
              // in the original Intel specification).
  saAl4 =  5, //Relocatable, aligned on a double word (4-byte)
              //boundary. This value is used by the PharLap OMF for
              //the same alignment.
  saAl4K = 6, //This value is used by the PharLap OMF for page (4K)
              //alignment. It is not supported by LINK.
  saAlUndef = 7 //Not defined.

TSegCombine enum TBit3 (
  scPrivate = 0, //Private. Do not combine with any other program
  scIBMRes1 = 1, //Reserved by IBM. Not supported by Microsoft.
  scPublic = 2,  //Public. Combine by appending at an offset that meets
                 //the alignment requirement.
  scIBMRes3 = 3, //Reserved by IBM. Not supported by Microsoft.
  scPublicMS = 4, //As defined by Microsoft, same as C=2 (public).
  scStack = 5, //Stack. Combine as for C=2. This combine type forces
               //byte alignment.
  scCommon = 6, //Common. Combine by overlay using maximum size.
  scPublicMS7 = 7  //As defined by Microsoft, same as C=2 (public).

TSegAttrF struc
  TBit P
  TBit B
  TSegCombine C
  TSegAlign A


TSegAttr struc
  TSegAttrF Flags
  case @.Flags.A of
    TSegAlign.saAbs: TAbsSegFrameInf
  endc AbsInf


TSegDefRec struc
  TSegAttr SegAttr
  TOfs Len
  TIndex hSegName
  TIndex hClassName
  TIndex hOverlayName

TGrpElKind enum byte (
  geSeg = 0xFF,
  geExternal = 0xFE,
  geSegFull = 0xFD,
  geLTL = 0xFB,
  geFrame = 0xFA

TGrpFullSegEl struc
  TIndex hSeg
  TIndex hClass
  TIndex hOverlay

TGrpElRec struc
  TGrpElKind Kind
  case @.Kind of
    geSeg, geExternal: TIndex
    geSegFull: TGrpFullSegEl
    geFrame: TAbsSegFrameInf
  endc Data

TGrpEls array of TGrpElRec

TGrpDefRec struc
  TIndex hName
  TGrpEls Els

TLibHdrRec struc
  ulong DictOfs
  word DictBlSz
  byte Flags
  raw[] rest

TLEDataRec struc
  TIndex hSeg
  word Ofs
  raw[] at &@.Ofs+2-@.Ofs; Data

TLEData1Rec struc
  TIndex hSeg
  ulong Ofs
  raw[] at &@.Ofs+2-@.Ofs; Data

TLIDataBlock struc
  word ReptCnt
  word BlCnt
  case @.BlCnt of
   0: struc
     Byte L
     raw[@.L] M
  else array[@@.BlCnt]of TLIDataBlock
  endc D

TLIData1Block struc
  ulong ReptCnt
  word BlCnt
  case @.BlCnt of
   0: struc
     Byte L
     raw[@.L] M
  else array[@@.BlCnt]of TLIDataBlock
  endc D

TLIDataRec struc
  TIndex hSeg
  word Ofs
  TLIDataBlock Data
  raw[] rest

TLIData1Rec struc
  TIndex hSeg
  ulong Ofs
  TLIData1Block Data
  raw[] rest

set byteorder rev

type bit

TFixupFrameMethod enum TBit3 (
  ffSEGDEF=0, //Specified by a SEGDEF index.
  ffGRPDEF=1, //Specified by a GRPDEF index.
  ffEXTDEF=2, //Specified by a EXTDEF index.
  ffFRAMENUM=3, //Specified by an explicit frame number (not
                //supported by LINK).
  ffDATA=4, //The FRAME is determined by the segment
            //index of the previous LEDATA or LIDATA
            //record (that is, the segment in which the
            //location is defined).
  ffTarget=5 //The FRAME is determined by the TARGET's
              //segment, group, or external index.

TFixupTargetMethod enum TBit3 (
  ftSEGDEF=0, //Specified by a SEGDEF index.
  ftGRPDEF=1, //Specified by a GRPDEF index.
  ftEXTDEF=2, //Specified by a EXTDEF index.
  ftFRAMENUM=3, //Specified by an explicit frame number (not
                //supported by LINK).
  ftSEGDEFOnly=4, //Specified by a SEGDEF index only; the displacement
                 //in the FIXUP subrecord is assumed to be 0.
  ftGRPDEFOnly=5, //Specified by a GRPDEF index only; the displacement
                 //in the FIXUP subrecord is assumed to be 0.
  ftEXTDEFOnly=6 //   Specified by a EXTDEF index only; the displacement
                  //in the FIXUP subrecord is assumed to be 0.

TFixupThreadFlags struc
  TBit Thread
  TBit IsFrame //Frame or Target
  TBit Z
  case @.IsFrame of
   1: TFixupFrameMethod
  else TFixupTargetMethod 
  endc Method
  TBit2 hThread

TFixupLocation enum TBit4 (
  flByteLo =    0, //Low-order byte (8-bit displacement or low byte
                   //of 16-bit offset).
  flWord =      1, //16-bit offset.
  flSeg =       2, //16-bit base--logical segment base (selector).
  flPtr2_2 =  3, //32-bit Long pointer (16-bit base:16-bit
  flByteHi =    4, //High-order byte (high byte of 16-bit offset).
                   //LINK does not support this type.
  flWordLdr =   5, //16-bit loader-resolved offset, treated as
                   //Location=1 by the linker.
                   //Conflict: The PharLap OMF uses Location=5 to
                   //indicate a 32-bit offset, whereas Microsoft
                   //uses Location=9.
  flRsrv6 =     6, //Not defined, reserved.
                   //  Conflict: The PharLap OMF uses Location=6 to
                   //  indicate a 48-bit pointer (16-bit base:32-bit
                   //  offset), whereas Microsoft uses Location=11.
  flRsrv7 =     7, //Not defined, reserved.
  flDWORD =     9, //32-bit offset.
  flPtr2_4 =    11,//48-bit pointer (16-bit base:32-bit offset).
  flDWORDLdr =  13 //32-bit loader-resolved offset, treated as
                   //Location=9 by the linker.

TFixupFlags struc
  TBit Fixup
  TBit IsSegRel //=1 for segment-relative fixups, and =0
                //for self-relative fixups.
  TFixupLocation Loc
  num+(10) Ofs

TFix struc
  TBit UseFThread //Fixup thread
  case @.UseFThread of
   1: TBit3 //hFrame
  else TFixupFrameMethod
  endc Frame
  TBit UseTThread //Target thread
  case @.UseTThread of
   1: TBit3 //hTarget(Lo 2) and High bit replacement for target method
  else TFixupTargetMethod
  endc Target

set byteorder norm


TFixupThreadRec struc
  TFixupThreadFlags F
  case ((@.F.Method.0)exc(@.F.Method.1))>3 of
    0: TIndex
  endc NDX

TFixupRec struc
  TFixupFlags F
//  Byte OfsLo
  TFix Fix
  case (not @.Fix.UseFThread)and((@.Fix.Frame.0)<=3) of
   1: TIndex
  endc FrameDat
  case @.Fix.UseTThread of
   0: TIndex
  endc TargetDat
  case ((@.Fix.Target.1)exc(@.Fix.Target.0))and 0x4 of
   0: Word
  endc Ofs

TFixup1Rec struc
  TFixupFlags F
//  Byte OfsLo
  TFix Fix
  case (not @.Fix.UseFThread)and((@.Fix.Frame.0)<=3) of
   1: TIndex
  endc FrameDat
  case @.Fix.UseTThread of
   0: TIndex
  endc TargetDat
  case ((@.Fix.Target.1)exc(@.Fix.Target.0))and 0x4 of
   0: ulong
  endc Ofs

  Thread: TFixupThreadRec
  Fixup: TFixupRec

  Thread: TFixupThreadRec
  Fixup: TFixup1Rec

TFIXUPPTbl(Sz)array of TFIXUPPRec:[@:Size=@:Sz]
TFIXUPP1Tbl(Sz)array of TFIXUPP1Rec:[@:Size=@:Sz]

TObjRec struc
  TObjRecKind Kind
  word size
%  array [@.size-1] of Byte Data
%  raw[@.size-1] Data
  case @.Kind of
    okTHEADR,okLHEADR: str
    okCOMENT: TCommentRec
    okEXTDEF: TNameNdxRecs
    okPUBDEF: TPubDefRec
    okCOMDEF: array of TComDefRec
    okLINNUM: TLinNumRec
    okLNAMES: TNames
    okSEGDEF: TSegDefRec
    okGRPDEF: TGrpDefRec
  //okLIBHDR: TLibHdrRec
    okLEDATA: TLEDataRec 
    okLEDATA1: TLEData1Rec 
    okLIDATA: TLIDataRec 
    okLIDATA1: TLIData1Rec 
    okFIXUPP: TFIXUPPTbl(@@.size-1)
    okFIXUPP1: TFIXUPP1Tbl(@@.size-1)
  else raw[] at &@@; //TXData
  endc Data
  Byte ChkSum
ends :[@.Data:Size=@.Size-1]

TObjRecStm array of TObjRec ? (@.Kind and 0xFE)=TObjRecKind.okMODEND;

Other specifications.

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