MapInfo MAP file (Undocumented,restored)(map.rfh):
Class: GIS files, Status: Almost Complete, Last change: 29.06.2012 14:11:14

include Float.rfi


TBlockTag enum int (

TSmallPoint struc
  int X
  int Y

TPoint struc
  long X
  long Y

TSmallRect struc
  int L
  int T
  int R
  int B

TRect struc
  long L
  long T
  long R
  long B

TColor struc
  byte R
  byte G
  byte B

include MITables.rfi

TCoordPrecision enum byte (
  LatLong=6, //Lat/Long maps
  Cartesian=8, //Cartesian maps
  Projected=1 //Projected maps

TCoordOriginCode enum byte (
  LatLong=2, //for Lat/Long maps
  CartProj=1 //for Cartesian and Projected maps

TReflectAxisCode enum byte (
  LatLong=1, //for Lat/Long maps
  CartProj=0 //for Cartesian and Projected maps

PBlock ^TBlock near=ulong

TIndexDataRec struc
  TRect MBR //Coordinates of Minimum Bounding Rectangle
  PBlock Bl

TObjRecTbl(Sz) forward

TMapToolTbl(Sz) forward

TBlock struc
  TBlockTag Tag
  word Num
  case @.Tag of
   Index: array[@@.Num]of TIndexDataRec
   ObjDef: struc
     TPoint Center
     PBlock pFirstCoordBlock
     PBlock pLastCoordBlock
     TObjRecTbl(@@@.Num) Defs
   Coords: struc
     PBlock Next
   Deleted: struc
     PBlock Next
   Tools: struc
     PBlock Next
     TMapToolTbl(@@@.Num) Tools
  endc D

THeader struc
  TBlockTag Tag
  raw[0xFF] at 0; LongSign //??
  long Sign
  int FileVer
  word BlSize
  TDouble CoordSysToDistUnits //Miles/LatDegree for Lat/Long maps 1.0  for all others
  TRect MBR //Coordinates of Minimum Bounding Rectangle
  TRect VR  //Coordinates of Default View of table
  PBlock pObjDefIndex //Offset of Object Definition Index
  PBlock DelBlockList //Offset of the beginning of Deleted Block sequence
  PBlock pTools //Offset of Tools Block
  long NSymbol //Number of Symbol elements
  long NLine //Number of Line elements
  long NRegion //Number of Region elements
  long NText //Number of Text elements
  ulong MaxCoordBufSize
  raw[14] Z //14 Unknown bytes (Probably reserved and set to zero)
  TMapUnit DistUnit //Map File Distance Units
  sint MaxSpIndexDepth //Max spatial index depth
  TCoordPrecision CoordPrecision
  TCoordOriginCode CoordOriginCode
  TReflectAxisCode ReflectAxisCode
  byte ObjLenArraySize //(at the start of the file)
  sint NPenRes //Number of pen resources
  sint NBrushRes //Number of brush resources
  sint NSymbolRes //Number of symbol resources
  sint NTextRes //Number of text resources
  int NResBl //Number of Resource Blocks
  raw[3] Z1 //Unknown(probably reserved and set to zero)
  TProjectionType ProjectionType
  TDatumType Datum
  TMapUnit CoordUnit //Units of coordinate system
  TDouble XScale
  TDouble YScale
  TDouble XOffset
  TDouble YOffset
  array[6]of TDouble ProjParms //1-based array of projection parameters
  TDouble DatumShiftX
  TDouble DatumShiftY
  TDouble DatumShiftZ
  array[5]of TDouble DatumParms //1-based array of datum parameters

0x0100 THeader Hdr
0x0 array[Hdr.ObjLenArraySize+1]of Byte ObjDefRecSize

assert Hdr:assert;

descr ('MapInfo vector graphics file.')
descr (NL,
  'Info Src: Notes on the MapInfoR Native table format by Anssi Joutsiniemi',NL,
  '          Robert Edwards.',NL,
  'Info Src: MITAB Library.',NL)


TObjDefTag enum byte (
  NONE         = 0,
  SYMBOL_C     = 0x01,
  SYMBOL       = 0x02,
  LINE_C       = 0x04,
  LINE         = 0x05,
  PLINE_C      = 0x07,
  PLINE        = 0x08,
  ARC_C        = 0x0a,
  ARC          = 0x0b,
  REGION_C     = 0x0d,
  REGION       = 0x0e,
  TEXT_C       = 0x10,
  TEXT         = 0x11,
  RECT_C       = 0x13,
  RECT         = 0x14,
  ROUNDRECT_C  = 0x16,
  ROUNDRECT    = 0x17,
  ELLIPSE_C    = 0x19,
  ELLIPSE      = 0x1a,
  MULTIPLINE_C = 0x25,
  MULTIPLINE   = 0x26,
  FONTSYMBOL_C = 0x28,
  FONTSYMBOL   = 0x29,
/* Version 450 object types: */
  V450_REGION_C= 0x2e,
  V450_REGION  = 0x2f,
  V450_MULTIPLINE = 0x32,
/* Version 650 object types: */
  MULTIPOINT_C = 0x34,
  MULTIPOINT   = 0x35,
  COLLECTION_C = 0x37,
  COLLECTION   = 0x38

TSmallPoints(Sz) array of TSmallPoint:[@:Size=@:Sz when @:Sz<Hdr.BlSize exc Hdr.BlSize /*For presentation purposes only*/]

PSmallPoints(Sz) ^TSmallPoints(@:Sz) near=ulong
PRelSmallPoints(Sz,Base) ^TSmallPoints(@:Sz) near=ulong, REF=@+@:Base;

TPoints(Sz) array of TPoint:[@:Size=@:Sz when @:Sz<Hdr.BlSize exc Hdr.BlSize /*For presentation purposes only*/]

PPoints(Sz) ^TPoints(@:Sz) near=ulong
PRelPoints(Sz,Base) ^TPoints(@:Sz) near=ulong, REF=@+@:Base;

TNumVertices(V450) case @:V450 of
  0: int
else long
endc:let Val=(@.0)exc(@.1);

TCoordSection(V450) struc
  TNumVertices(@:V450) numVertices
  int numHoles
  TRect MBR
 // ulong pCoords
  PRelPoints(@.numVertices:Val*8,&@-@:#*@:Size/*Array start*/) pCoords

TCoordSection_C(V450) struc
  TNumVertices(@:V450) numVertices
  int numHoles
  TSmallRect MBR
 // ulong pCoords
  PRelSmallPoints(@.numVertices:Val*4,&@-@:#*@:Size/*Array start*/) pCoords

//In fact all such pointers point into some block and, when
//the variable doesn't fit completely into the block, its
//rest is placed into the next block(s)

PCoordSection_C(V450) ^TCoordSection_C(@:V450) NEAR=ulong
PCoordSection(V450) ^TCoordSection(@:V450) NEAR=ulong

TCoordSections_C(Num,V450) array[@:Num]of TCoordSection_C(@:V450)
TCoordSections(Num,V450) array[@:Num]of TCoordSection(@:V450)

PCoordSections_C(Num,V450) ^TCoordSections_C(@:Num,@:V450) NEAR=ulong
PCoordSections(Num,V450) ^TCoordSections(@:Num,@:V450) NEAR=ulong

TLblTextStr(L) array[@:L]of Char
PLblTextStr(L) ^TLblTextStr(@:L) NEAR=ulong :displ=(@^,'{',@,'}')

TFontStyle set 16 of (
  fsBold      ^ 0x001,
  fsItalic    ^ 0x002,
  fsUnderline ^ 0x004,
  fsShadow    ^ 0x020,
  fsFill      ^ 0x100,
  fsAround    ^ 0x200,
  fsCapital   ^ 0x400,
  fsSparse    ^ 0x800

TObjDefRec struc
  TObjDefTag Tag
  ulong RowID //(0 = Valid; 0x40000000 = Deleted
  case @.Tag of
   SYMBOL_C: struc
     TSmallPoint P
     byte hSym //Symbol type number from Resource Block
   SYMBOL: struc
     TPoint P
     byte hSym //Symbol type number from Resource Block
   LINE_C: struc
     TSmallPoint S
     TSmallPoint E
     byte hPen //Pen type number from Resource Block
   LINE: struc
     TPoint S
     TPoint E
     byte hPen //Pen type number from Resource Block
   PLINE_C: struc
     PSmallPoints CoordOfs
     ulong CoordSz
     TSmallPoint LabelPos
     TPoint Org
     TSmallRect MBR
     byte hPen //Pen type number from Resource Block
    ends:[@.CoordOfs:Sz=@.CoordSz and 0x7FFFFFFF] //Take smooth flag out of the value
   PLINE: struc
     PPoints CoordOfs
     ulong CoordSz
     TPoint LabelPos
     TRect MBR
     byte hPen //Pen type number from Resource Block
    ends:[@.CoordOfs:Sz=@.CoordSz and 0x7FFFFFFF] //Take smooth flag out of the value
   ARC_C: struc
     int StartAngle
     int EndAngle
     TSmallRect EllipseMBR
     TSmallRect ArcMBR
     byte hPen //Pen type number from Resource Block
   ARC: struc
     int StartAngle
     int EndAngle
     TRect EllipseMBR
     TRect ArcMBR
     byte hPen //Pen type number from Resource Block
   REGION_C,V450_REGION_C: struc
     PCoordSections_C CoordOfs
     ulong CoordSz
     int numLineSections
     TSmallPoint LabelPos
     TPoint Org
     TSmallRect MBR
     byte hPen //Pen type number from Resource Block
     byte hBrush //Brush type number from Resource Block
   REGION,V450_REGION: struc
     PCoordSections CoordOfs
     ulong CoordSz
     int numLineSections
     TPoint LabelPos
     TRect MBR
     byte hPen //Pen type number from Resource Block
     byte hBrush //Brush type number from Resource Block
    //:[@.CoordOfs:Sz=@.CoordSz and 0x7FFFFFFF] //Take smooth flag out of the value
     PCoordSections CoordOfs
     ulong CoordSz
     int numLineSections
     TSmallPoint LabelPos
     TPoint Org
     TSmallRect MBR
     byte hPen //Pen type number from Resource Block
     PCoordSections CoordOfs
     ulong CoordSz
     int numLineSections
     TPoint LabelPos
     TRect MBR
     byte hPen //Pen type number from Resource Block
   FONTSYMBOL_C: struc
     byte SymbolId // Symbol index
     byte PointSize
     word FontStyle
     TColor TextColor
     TColor BGColor //??? BG Color ???
     int Angle
     TSmallPoint Pos
     byte FontId
   FONTSYMBOL: struc
     byte SymbolId // Symbol index
     byte PointSize
     word FontStyle
     TColor TextColor
     TColor BGColor //??? BG Color ???
     int Angle
     TPoint Pos
     byte FontId
   TEXT_C: struc
     PLblTextStr TxtOfs
     word TxtLen
     word Alignment // just./spacing/arrow
     int nAngle // Tenths of degree
     word FontStyle
     TColor TextColor
     TColor BGColor
     TSmallPoint Pos // Label line end point
     int TextH
     byte FontId
     TSmallRect MBR // MBR after rotation
     byte hPen //Pen type number from Resource Block
   TEXT: struc
     PLblTextStr TxtOfs
     word TxtLen
     word Alignment // just./spacing/arrow
     int nAngle // Tenths of degree
     TFontStyle FontStyle
     TColor TextColor
     TColor BGColor
     TPoint Pos // Label line end point
     long TextH
     byte FontId
     TRect MBR // MBR after rotation
     byte hPen //Pen type number from Resource Block
  endc D
  raw[] Rest
ends:[@:Size=((ObjDefRecSize[@.Tag]and 0x7F) when (ObjDefRecSize[@.Tag]>0)) exc 1]

TObjRecTbl(Sz) array of TObjDefRec:[@:Size=@:Sz]

TMapToolKind enum byte (
  PEN = 1,
  BRUSH = 2,
  FONT = 3,
  SYMBOL = 4

TMapToolRec struc
  TMapToolKind Kind
  long RefCount
  case @.Kind of
   PEN: struc
     byte PixelWidth
     byte LinePattern
     byte PointWidth
     TColor Color
   BRUSH: struc
     byte FillPattern
     byte TransparentFill
     TColor FGColor
     TColor BGColor
   FONT: struc
     array[32]of Char,<0; Name
   SYMBOL: struc
     int SymbolNo
     int PointSize
     byte Unknown
     TColor Color
  endc D

TMapToolTbl(Sz) array of TMapToolRec?not((@.Kind>0)and(@.Kind<=4))!void;:[@:Size=@:Sz]

Other specifications.

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